Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Low Carb Chicken Soup

Before posting this recipe, let me first off confess that I am not the world's biggest fan of soup. I never crave it, order it when we are out to eat, or stock some in our cupboards for emergencies. 

BUT, the other day we had our first snow fall. Huge flakes came tumbling down and for the hour before it all melted, everything outside was a beautiful cold wonderland. 

And I wanted soup. 

Weird, but the results were delicious! Best part? Everyone liked it, even little J....who is allergic to all things veggie :).


-10 cups chicken stock (or 10 bouillon cubes with 10 cups boiling water)
-2 large chicken breast, cut into piece sizes your family prefers
-4 oz. can mushrooms, drained
-4 oz. fresh sliced mushrooms (this is optional, my family loves mushrooms so they are in almost everything I make)
-1 onion, chopped
-4 carrots, chopped
-4 celery stalk, chopped
-1 bag of cauliflower, chopped (I did this in the food processor to get a fine grain like texture)
-1/2 c. butter + a couple tsp. 
-1 small jicama, chopped (optional, but adds a nice faux potato taste and texture to the soup)
-2 Tbsp. curry
-salt and pepper to taste

Step 1:
In food processor fitted with a blade chop cauliflower into fine particles. 

In large soup pot saute the onion, celery, carrots, and mushrooms in the butter.

Step 3:
Add curry and cook for 3-4 more minutes.

Step 4:
Add chicken stock and simmer over low-med heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 5:
Add the rest of your ingredients and simmer for 20-25 more minutes. 


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